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Woody Paul Grey: PINK LAGOON (5) - ВІРШ
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Woody Paul Grey :: PINK LAGOON (5)
           WOODY PAUL GREY



We are coming back to the shore in great mood. First and foremost, we after all, gt acquainted. Secondly, I help Harry to catch the biggest fish in his life on this island. And finally. The weather is just awesome. We grab all the fishing stuff and a big tuna, of course, and my new friend shows me the way to his shelter, as I don`t see any buildings in here. We walk for quite a while, before we come up to the hardly visible entrance to the cave. It appears to be located in a solid gathering of rocky, mountain stones. Inside, it doesn`t look so bad. On the contrary. It looks like some kind of fairy tale palace: stone walls, high ceilings with a hole on the top of it, letting the sunlight go inside. In the center of the big hall is a real, natural fountain. We stop to drink some water after a successful fishing hunt. The water is really good. Next to it is a fire and a grand table. There`re expensive china, silver and golden dishes on it.  Harry starts the fire and I begin to get the tuna ready for cooking over the woods. In a couple of minutes, the fire is ready, as well as, the fish. It’s quite a lot of fish meat for us both. But there’s still a much time ahead and now there are two men on the island and both of them need food on the regular bases. 
   -“Come along and I`ll show you something interesting.” – we go out and behind the cave I see a beautiful garden of those exotic food, I had tasted before. Ahead of the real dinner we want to have some fruits.
   The fish is really good.
   -"There`s only one problem here. There`s no alcohol here. Will that bother you? `cause I, actually, don`t drink it." - asks my new acquaintance.
   -"Me either. So, we have something in common. Would you like to tell me your story?"- I, really, am quite eager to know everything about Harry.
   -" It`ll take quite a while. Won`t that be boring to you?- queries  my new mate.
   -"You know, it appears, that I`ve got plenty of time ahead. So do you, don`t you?" - I keep on a nice chat.
   -"Though, I`ve got a proposition - to do it before bed-time, don`t you mind? - asks politely Harry. Currently, he doesn`t look so weird, as he was during our first meeting.
   -"Sure! During the day we`ll have a lot of stuff to do to survive on the island.So, that`s a deal!" - happily cries my new pal. 
   -"Exactly! And now show me where do you sleep?" - i`m really keen to know it.
   -"O.K. Let`s go, pal!" -answers Harry and puts his hand on my shoulder. Right over the corner is a huge hall with two big, no, huge, beds under the wall. The floor is covered with thick Persian carpets. You can also see  them on all the walls. in the middle of the hall there`s a big table with comfortable chairs around it.
   -"Look over here. Can you imagine, that there`re bathrooms and water closets her as well" - continues his excursion Harry.
   -"Moreover! There`s a real swimming pool and a sauna right here. Just have a look ! can you imagine?" - gladly announces my new friend.
   -"Wow! that`s really cool. But, I can`t understand one simple thing. Do you remember our first meeting. You were sitting there on the deserted ocean shore in dirty rags, with long red hair and beard and looking so exhausted and miserable. i thought you`re 100 years old. What was that? Depression, or, what?" -ask I wonderingly.
   -"Take an educational guess, buddy. In fact, I`d been living in here for more than 30 years, 31 year, 8 months, and 7 days, to be exact. So, I`m 65 now." - ?
   -"I`m 65, as well."
                            - II –

      To be continued…
   16:00 -17-30 17/01/2018  Ivano - Frankivsk

ID:  772090
Рубрика: Проза
дата надходження: 18.01.2018 23:30:50
© дата внесення змiн: 19.01.2018 08:53:10
автор: Woody Paul Grey

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Чайківчанка, 19.01.2018 - 01:01
give_rose 12
Woody Paul Grey відповів на коментар Чайківчанка, 19.01.2018 - 09:18
Дуже вдячний за відгук! До речі, зранку дописав Pink lagoon(5) Насправді, пишу поспіхом, в основному, пізно ввечері, рано вранці, або вночі. Удень працюю репетитором. Навчаю англійської і німецької мов, за власною експрес-методикою по Skype. Мої учні живуть у рідному Івано-Франківську, сонячній Ялті і Польщі. Тому інколи корегую свої твори на наступний день після публікації. Творчих успіхів! 12 17 17 17 19 21 22 23 31 give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose
Лилея, 18.01.2018 - 23:42
Как всегда, я Вами восхищаюсь!!!
12 12 16 flo06 16 31 32 flo36 flo36 flo36
Woody Paul Grey відповів на коментар Лилея, 19.01.2018 - 09:21
Очень рад Вашей мною восхищённости!Удачи! 12 12 12 12 12 17 17 17 17 17 17 19 19 19 19 21 22 23 give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose

ДО ВУС синоніми
Синонім до слова:  Бутылка
ixeldino: - Пляхан, СкляЖка
Синонім до слова:  говорити
Svitlana_Belyakova: - базiкати
Знайти несловникові синоніми до слова:  візаві
Под Сукно: - ти
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Под Сукно: - ви
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Под Сукно: - ти
Синонім до слова:  аврора
Ти: - "древній грек")
Синонім до слова:  візаві
Leskiv: - Пречудово :12:
Синонім до слова:  візаві
Enol: - віч-на-віч на вічність
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Enol: -
Синонім до слова:  говорити
dashavsky: - патякати
Синонім до слова:  говорити
Пантелій Любченко: - вербалити
Синонім до слова:  аврора
Маргіз: - Мигавиця, кольорова мигавиця
Синонім до слова:  аврора
Юхниця Євген: - смолоскиподення
Синонім до слова:  аврора
Ніжинський: - пробудниця-зоряниця
Синонім до слова:  метал
Enol: - ну що - нічого?
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Enol: - той, що музичний жанр
Знайти несловникові синоніми до слова:  аврора
Enol: - та, що іонізоване сяйво
Синонім до слова:  Бабине літо
Маргіз: - Осіннє танго
Синонім до слова:  Вірний
Маргіз: - Вірний - однолюб
Синонім до слова:  гарна (не із словників)
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