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Woody Paul Grey: PINK LAGOON (6) - ВІРШ
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Woody Paul Grey :: PINK LAGOON (6)



   it is so unusual to lay on a big, comfortable bed after my recent adventures on the island. There`s no electricity in the palace, but, nevertheless, there`re plenty of candles at our disposal, quite enough for many years ahead.
   -" If you don`t mind, Harry, let`s start with your story." -suggested I politely.
   -"Not at all. In fact, I`ve been waiting for decades for this moment." - replied he gladly.
   -" So, I was born in New York city in 1955 in the family of lawyers. After the graduation of prestigious law school everybody expected that I`ll follow the family tradition and will work in the judicial firm : " Wilson & Co.", as my elder brother Jack did. Well, I had different plans. I wanted to travel first and only after that to figure out, what to do for the living in future. By that time, I didn`t have stable romantic relationship with some young lady, so it was easy to leave the city. For my parents I`d left a short message:" Sorry. but I need some time to think what to do in the future. Don`t worry. I`ll be fine! See you around, guys! Bye!"
   In my backpack I`ve put the most necessary stuff, $ 1 000.00. and left the family house. I`ve bought a one way ticket to Australia. To save the money I`ve bought the cheapest one for the very old ship with only 15 crew members, including me. The captain agreed to take me only under one condition - to work on the sip as a sailor. I accepted the proposition gladly. It should be mentioned, though, that the work on the ship was very difficult, and the food was just terrible. Besides, every night there were fierce fights among the men on the board of the ship. A was lucky, as in my youth visited the boxing training and appeared to be a great boxer by now. So, when one evening, a group of men, suddenly, attacked me in the darkness, I first, managed to successfully defend myself, and after had beaten them so terribly, that they all needed doctors assistance for quite awhile. Since then  no one ever touched me on the board of the vessel. The captain had contracts with many companies, so, we had to visit many ports on our way to Australia. After all, due to our fights on the ship we became a good team. That`s why while visiting different ports we had fierce fights in the local bars. Usually, we won the battles, but one night, when, accidentally, one local resident was killed in the fight, the locals killed one of our men in reply by the gun shot. That was a reminder for us not to provoke the fights. Since then we decided to fight only for the sake of emergency, when we were attacked. And then came a tragedy. Our vessel was to old to survive in a heavy ocean storm. I think everybody died except me. I was a good swimmer. I swam for quite awhile before I was thrown on the shore of this God forgotten island. For nearly a week I`d spent on the shore of the pink lagoon, but later i went around the valley looking for some shelter and food. First and foremost, i`ve came across that old boat and a fishing net. Weeks later I had found the cave and this gorgeous palace inside with fresh water, exotic fruits and an excellent shelter. But even that wasn`t enough. The lack of communication could not substitute the main necessity I obtained. So, then came the depression. I`m afraid, I wouldn`t survive for long, if someone didn`t come on time to rescue me. So, that`s the end of my story. Next time you`ll tell me your story. I hope it`ll be more interesting. Good night!" - finished his story my new acquaintance.
   -"Night, Harry! Thanks for the story!" - replied I and immediately fell into a deep sweet dream.
                                           - II- 
                       To be continued...
   23:00 - 23:45 20/01/
   04:30 - 06:10 21/01/2018  Ivano-Frankivsk

ID:  772468
Рубрика: Проза
дата надходження: 20.01.2018 23:43:11
© дата внесення змiн: 21.01.2018 06:14:46
автор: Woody Paul Grey

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Лилея, 20.01.2018 - 23:50
Жду переводчика...обязательно напишу отзыв!!! fright
Простите за моё незнание языка... give_rose и если честно,я музыку люблю больше 39 ...слушаешь... всё понятно... smile 31 32 flo36 curtsey flo36
Woody Paul Grey відповів на коментар Лилея, 21.01.2018 - 04:57
Лилея! Вам не стоит так волноваться за незнание иностранных языков. Вы в совершенстве владеете русским языком, понимаете украинский, мастерски владеете поэтическим слогом. Редко кому это дано.Нужно довольствоваться тем, чем наделил нас Всевышний. Я же иностранный филолог. Отец начал обучать нас, троих детей, английскому и немецкому язикам с 1-ого класса. Это была изнурительная муштра - каждый день занятия по 1,5 часа. Первые 6 лет немецкий, а потом английский. Затем десятилетиями я только совершенствовал, в основном английский. Поэтому у меня английский единственное богатство которым я владею.Творческих успехов!
give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose
Лилея відповів на коментар Woody Paul Grey, 21.01.2018 - 06:10
Спасибо большущее Вам на Добром Слове!!!
Так может мыслить только высокодуховный Человек, для которого есть только Один язык - Добра!!! Те слова, которые помогают в Жизни!!! Слова, которые поддерживают!!!Важно Дарить Тепло!!!
Очень Вам благодарна!!!
Самое важное - Слышать Музыку Души!!!
39 16 39 16 39 flo36
P.s.У Вас самое большое богатство - это Доброе Сердце!!! А, что может быть ценней?
Всё - проходящее, а Добро - Вечно!!!
Поэтому Дари Его скорей!!! flo36
Woody Paul Grey відповів на коментар Лилея, 21.01.2018 - 10:51
Благодарю покорно! И Вам всего хорошего! Творческих удач! 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 17 17 17 19 21 22 23 give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose give_rose

ДО ВУС синоніми
Синонім до слова:  Бутылка
ixeldino: - Пляхан, СкляЖка
Синонім до слова:  говорити
Svitlana_Belyakova: - базiкати
Знайти несловникові синоніми до слова:  візаві
Под Сукно: - ти
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Под Сукно: - ви
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Под Сукно: - ти
Синонім до слова:  аврора
Ти: - "древній грек")
Синонім до слова:  візаві
Leskiv: - Пречудово :12:
Синонім до слова:  візаві
Enol: - віч-на-віч на вічність
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Enol: -
Синонім до слова:  говорити
dashavsky: - патякати
Синонім до слова:  говорити
Пантелій Любченко: - вербалити
Синонім до слова:  аврора
Маргіз: - Мигавиця, кольорова мигавиця
Синонім до слова:  аврора
Юхниця Євген: - смолоскиподення
Синонім до слова:  аврора
Ніжинський: - пробудниця-зоряниця
Синонім до слова:  метал
Enol: - ну що - нічого?
Знайти несловникові синоніми до слова:  метал
Enol: - той, що музичний жанр
Знайти несловникові синоніми до слова:  аврора
Enol: - та, що іонізоване сяйво
Синонім до слова:  Бабине літо
Маргіз: - Осіннє танго
Синонім до слова:  Вірний
Маргіз: - Вірний - однолюб
Синонім до слова:  гарна (не із словників)
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