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The land still sleeps
Этот стих написан под впечатлением восхода солнца во время одного из моих переездоа в другой город.
The land still sleeps in a peaceful way.
The nature waits for the new day.
All dreams: the grass, the leaves and trees
with a light touch of morning breath.
The heaven's filled with new great hopes...
The grass is shining with dew-drops...
No trouble's felt, no sound's heard
in spite of singing of early birds...
I know the beauty at this time
looks more especialy than in rhymes..
I watch this beauty through the glass
going and dreaming in the bus.
This moments brings the trangest thoughts.
It's all eternal, life is short...
It also brings me fairy dreams
- real envoys of sunny beams...
There is the silence and tale is felt
in every tune of this sleepy land...
At last you see a red sunrise
and find yourself in Paradise!
The moment when the sun appears
is a real birth of cherished dreams,
A secret moment full of charm
without cruelness and alarm...
The land is blessed with the sunlight.
What a strange sense I feel inside?
I felt it then, I'm feeling now,
I wonder whether anyone
could feel it so, with all his heart...
Our life is short, we're too small parts...
Our lives are short, though we're alive...
But all this beauty will never die!
© Copyright: Мастер Слова, 2007
Свидетельство о публикации №1712301593
Рубрика: Поезія, Вірші, що не увійшли до рубрики
дата надходження: 13.01.2008 13:05:27
© дата внесення змiн: 13.01.2008 13:05:27
автор: wishmastress2007
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