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Woody Paul Grey: PINK LAGOON (4) - ВІРШ
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Woody Paul Grey :: PINK LAGOON (4)


   After all, l the wind started blowing and we could have some rest. It was so great to feel the ocean breeze. Our sail blew up and the old boat went on so quickly that I couldn`t believe my eyes. I don`t know why, but I didn`t believe that this poor man cold built a boat like this one. I do believe that he received it just from the ocean. That`s it! There`s the only way out  to hope that some ship would come and... No, nothing of the kind. I didn`t mean to return back to the civilization. Just use some stuff thrown out by that other world necessary for the elementary life in here. Actually, I start slowly falling in love with this God forgotten place, and, what is not less important, I returned back to myself the desire to live. Soon the waves came higher and higher, but like a man in front of me, I wasn`t, at all, afraid  of the ocean any more. On the contrary, I felt a kind of thrill playing with life and death. The man, suddenly, got up to his feet took, a heavy old net, and started dropping it over the board. The boat didn`t stop. It kept moving. Finally, when the net ended, he stopped the vessel. Now they just had to wait. Right in front of them was that strange wall of mist.
   -"Do you know what is this?" - I dared to ask.
   -"M-m-m!" - the man started yelling, waving his hands and shaking by all his reckless body, of some kind of fear, as far as, I understood.
   -"O.K. Don`t you worry! It`ll be all right. I promise!" - strange as it may seem, but, after my last words the man really calmed down. Time passed by very slowly. The man turned back to me, showed a kind of a smile on his old face, took an old sack and got out some food out of it: exotic fruits, and the fish meat, most likely cooked over the fire. He divided everything into two equal parts and passed one of them to me.
   -"Oh, thank you, man! I really appreciate your generosity. You know, I guess, we`ll become good friends soon. What do you think, buddy?" - I stretched my hand forward, smiling wholeheartedly and showing to my new mate that I`m a friendly minded guy.
This time he replied stretching his big hand forward. And we shook our hands. It was a real handshake! Unbelievable! Can you imagine? You know, the guy is smarter than I thought at the very beginning. I dared to to push his shoulder slightly. He did the same. Then I pushed him much stronger. This time he pushed me so strongly that I hardly fall over a board. We started laughing like good, old pals.
   -"I`m George, George McLain. And who are you? What`s your name, man? 
   -"Just call me Harry, Harry Wilson". - the man replied very distinctly in good American English.
   -"What? Are you kidding me? And all this time you pretended to be some  kind of wild, poor creature, who couldn`t talk?" - I couldn`t believe it.
   -"O.K. Harry Wilson. All right! At least, I`m so glad, after all, that I can hear again the human speech.So, tell me your story?" - asked I my new friend.
   -"It`s a very long story. Are you sure that you really want to hear it?" - asked Harry.
   -" You know, man. It turns out, that I`m not in a hurry". - replied I friendly smiling. Our conversation was interrupted by a tremendous  splash of water overboard. It was a huge fish that got into our fishing net. Harry hurriedly grabbed the harpoon on the bottom of the boat, which I didn`t see earlier and fiercely threw it into the monster. The weapon was tightly connected with a long, thick rope laying right hear, beneath our legs. It was stretching out rapidly and tune swam deep into the ocean so suddenly that it could overturn the bid boat, But, fortunately, it didn`t. It was too heavy for that kind of fish. still it wasn`t a whale. Actually, we were very lucky that our fish got caught into the net. Otherwise it could get us a long while to finally catch it.          

   To be continued...
   22:50 - 23:50  12.01.2018  Ivano-Frankivsk      

ID:  771028
Рубрика: Проза
дата надходження: 12.01.2018 23:36:14
© дата внесення змiн: 13.01.2018 05:18:19
автор: Woody Paul Grey

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