糿, , :: Woody Paul Grey: LONG-RUNNING ESCAPE (4) - ²

Woody Paul Grey: LONG-RUNNING ESCAPE (4) - ²
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Woody Paul Grey :: LONG-RUNNING ESCAPE (4)


          CHAPTER FOUR. T O P    S E C R E T    M I S S I O N

          Robert sits in front of Mr. Mc. Grizal again with a deep feeling that the bad story is just at it` s very beginning.
          - Hello, Robert! Nice to see you again! Unfortunately you` ve broken our agreement. You did not call me in the morning. So, this is why we had to act as we just did. We simply had no choice. O.K. Forget about it! We are all here once again and I hope we` ll spend much time together working towards a mutual goal.
       - What do you mean? Do you seriously believe that you guys may kidnap a person, by the way, not the least one on the list of  New York city residents and the police won` t track you down within hours?
       - I do not think so. I` m well aware the way our city police department works. So, I can tell you for sure that before they` ll start looking for you we` ll be far, far away. Believe me, Robert! That` s true! And, basically, I` m never mistaken.
       - Look here! I don` t know exactly who you are, but I assure you I` ll never cooperate with  folks like you who brutally forced me out of my company office and now are taking me no one knows to. I promise!
       First and foremost let me tell you who are we. As a matter of fact we are true Americans who simply want to protect our country from sliding into chaos and defend it from our enemies for many years ahead. And we greatly need your, precisely your assistance. I` m perfectly sure that as soon as you` ll get in touch with our plans and ambitions you` ll change your mind and very soon we` ll become best friends, not to mention million of dollars that you` ll earn for your family.
       - Never! You` re just crazy fools! You do not even imagine how many people will be involved in search of me.
       - I can, Bob, but all this is in vain because they` ll never trace us.
       - Let me out, you idiots! You do not have the right!  
       - Calm him down, someone, now! But do it gently!
     He` s worth millions!
        - Robert felt a mighty  left hook into his chin and after that he might have lost consciousness. The van was speeding up in the direction of the military airport where a jet fighter was already waiting for them.
       -Hurry up, George! We` ve got to be on the base no later than in an hour. After that they really won` t find us.
      - Yes, sir!  I give you my word we` ll get there in time! - replies the driver and the car accelerates as much as it is actually possible.
      Soon afterwords they arrive at the airport and the men dash to the plane dragging the unconscious body of poor young man.

Roxana, aged 12 was a tall, thin and beautiful girl, fair-haired as her mom, casually dressed in red hoody, grey pants with pockets on both sides a red cap and dark trainers. The girl was a child prodigy so her parents never had problems with her schooling. She always was the best in all that she was doing, except maybe the kitchen and all attached to it. The girl especially hated to wash the dishes, but her mother was always so kind to her that never insisted. Roxana loved her mum very much, but dad she loved better than that and it was quite obvious from the first sight.  Joanna was too wise to feel sick with jealousy abot it.On the contrary. She was well aware that Robert, her husband was an exceptional man in all aspects so its no wonder that their only daughter was so much attached to him. And Bob loved her also so much.  For him, who always dreamed about a son, Roxana was both a boy and a girl. They often played basketball in the yard, or, tennis on the court. He started to teach her how to drive a car when she was 9.
Roxana had friends at school, but most of the time they spent together as a family.The girl was so excited about whats happened with her dad that she didnt believe it.
 Mum! Whats going on? Is it a joke? Then thats a bad one. Wheres my dad? I need my dad! Can you tell me what has happened?
 Roxana, dear! Calm down, first. We have to be strong and support one another. I know
  how difficult it`s for you, baby, but trust me. Im no less scared and dissapoited than you are.
 Now listen here, sweetie! Some bad guys have taken our father away in the middle of the day from his office. The police department started the investigation. Now we are going home to meet with the police officer and will wait for the possible call from the attackers. Thats all what I know!
 Everything will be O.K., baby!
 Are you sure?
 Yes, dear! Police will help us, dear, to find those who did it. We just have to be tolerant and believe that very soon your dad will be at home. I promise!
They came up to the house where Harry Wilson was already waiting for them.
 	 Hello, Mrs. Moor, Roxana! Im Major Harry Wilson.
 Come in, please!  they took an elevator which took them to the 4-th floor of the building.
 Oh! Youve got a nice apartment. Sorry!
 Thats O.K.  Would you like something to drink?
 No, thank you. Im at work!
 I meant soda or mineral water.
 Oh, yes! Mineral water, please!
 Just a minute! Have a seat, major!
 You may call me Harry.
 Im Joanna, Harry.
 Your water, Harry!
 Thank you, Joanna!
 Ill be in a minute!
 Sure! Ill talk to Roxana, a little bit.
 So, Roxana! How you doing? Sorry!
 Never mind! Im old enough to understand. But tell me one thing, please. Why did they do it?
 I cant tell you now, but I promise that well do everything possible and even impossible to find your dad. So, do not worry! OK?
 Ill try, Mr. Willson.
 You may also call me Harry.
 Thank you, Harry!
Soon came Joanna dressed in blue jeans and a green pullover.
 What about lunch, Harry. I guess you didnt have time for it.
 No, thanks, Joanna. Dont worry! Ill be fine!
 Mum, Harry will have lunch with us. Hes got to be strong to capture the bandits!
 Thats right dear! So be it!
Shortly afterwords she invited the man and the girl to the table. Later, when the woman was washing the dishes, they heard the telephone call.
They all rushed to the receiver, but only Joanna was let to take it.
 Jo? Whats going on? Is it right what Ive heard on TV?
 Barry? Youd better come here. Were waiting for the call.
 All right! Im on my way, Jo! Dont  you worry!  Itll be O.K.


Barry was a tall, handsome young man of 35 with receding dark long hair tight in a ponytail, a thick beard, stylishly dressed in a brown single breasted jacket, trousers, a white shirt with a bright tie, suspenders, wearing a pair of brown loafer shoes.
Barry Lingston was the Chief Editor of the New York Daily Monitor so popular around the citys residents.
The young man was the familys best friend. Certainly the young couple had a wide range of friends, but Barry was a special one.
First and foremost he got acquainted with Joanna when she was single and worked as a fashion model. The young man was always in love with her but never brave enough to tell her about it. And then the young woman occasionally met Robert and they fell in love with each other at the first sight. So, Barry just had no chance. Soon the young people got married and in a year Joanna gave birth to their beautiful baby Roxi. So, Barry was just a friend. Most likely Joanna knew about his feelings and tried not for once to get him acquainted with one of her beauties, but Barry always refused. He prefered to remain single, but be always beside his love. Robert also knew about his feelings, but as a good friend was never jealous about it.
Soon the young man came. Later the officer called to the police departament. No news whatsoever. They didnt manage to find the witnesses. Nothing at all. The young people waited until late at night .Then Harry Wilson left. Instead of him came a young officer who had to stay in the apartment during the night. Besides there was a police car with two officers waiting on the watch in front of their house.
Joanna didnt go to sleep at all, as well as, Barry. Roxana fell asleep early in the morning and the young man took her gently on his hands and carried the girl to her bedroom.
Time was passing by, but the situation didnt clear out. On the contrary, in a few days the police had to take away the car and the night gard. No one called. Time was passing by. Roxana changed completely. She missed her school classes, didnt want to talk, watch TV, not even to play computer games. The girl was just sitting by the window looking behind the glass and waiting for hours. Joanna was very worried about her, but she couldnt change something. During the day she was busy with her work and at night when she returned back home her daughter was closed in her room and didnt want to come out or even talk to her.
  Barry, tried to calm down both Joanna and Roxana when, now and then, he came over. But when he noticed one day how angrily the girl looks at him with each coming day as though he was to blame for what had happened to her daddy Barry understood that it was Roxanas jealousy. She didnt let Barry stay with Joanna even for a minute. The man could easily understand the girl`s feelings, but as a man who still loved this woman he began to think more and more about his second chance. He had no family of his own so, he spent most of his free time together with Bob, Jo and Roxana and he knew all their secrets and mysteries. Actually, they were his family. Therefore it wasnt strange that the idea of marrying Joanna and adopting Roxana became more and more real. The only disturbing point, he considered, was Roxi. The girl wasnt able to stand him any more. Time past and no more hope to find Robert left. Still Barry decided to wait and see. So, he made up his mind to concentrate on the career for the time being.  Joanna noticed that the young man had to step back due to her daughters jealousy, but she didnt want to force her. Bad timing! She herself needed some more time to understand and realize that theres no hope. What concerns her she was ready to start close relationship with Barry. She was well aware of his feelings for years. Barry was the only man in her life, whom she would let love her. But still there was something that stopped her. First of all it was her daughter and, of course, her feelings towards Bob. Next week would be exactly one year since the time when her husband Robert had been kidnapped. Joanna was driving the car heading to the supermarket where they usually did the shopping before the weekend. Today she took her husbands SUV for the first time. The woman felt safer in it and besides it reminded them both Robert. It seemed as though the vehicle still kept his scent. Only now, all of a sudden, she realized how desperately she needed the man. But this was just for a second or so.
 Calm down! Thats O.K! She turned to the left and drove into the parking lot in front of the market. There were just a few cars there. Her daughter was sitting beside her with the headphones on her ears looking desperately through the back side window.  The woman parked the car and was just getting out of it when something terrible happened.
 Mum! Look! Theres our dad! The girl cried out and with these words she jumped off the car and ran to the driving away huge truck.
 Stop! Wait! Dad! Its me, Roxana! Dont go! I need you! Dad!
Everything happened so quickly that Joanna didnt manage to react immediately. Now she jumped out of the car behind her daughter.
 Roxana! Wait! Whats going on?
Next she saw her daughter lying down the road and the ill-staired truck was driving away. The girl was on her back out of conscience. Joanna grasped her tightly and shook her several times until the girl opened her eyes.
 Mum! Im sorry! I thought it was our dad, but I was mistaken. Im really very sorry.
 Thats O.K, Roxi. Thats O.K.,honey. Calm down!  Let me help you to get to your feet.
There you are! Are you O.K.?
 Oh, yes! Im absolutely fine. Lets go to the supermarket!
 Maybe wed better go home?
 No, not at all. Im really all right, mum. I just have to brush my clothes.
 Are you sure?
 Absolutely! Lets go! Forget it! Im starving!
 Come on, Roxana!
They did the necessary shopping and returned home. On the way back Roxana was no more crying.She was all the time talking, kidding, laughing loudly.
Then, some time later she became serious and said:  Mum! Whats going on? I dont understand. Why the kidnappers didnt ask something from us? Big amounts of money? Some real estate? Whatever? Why didnt they call?
 I dont know, dear!
 Theres something that they already have, our father, and maybe they dont need anything more.
 Perhaps theyll call, sooner or later.
 Lets hope so! And be sure well be waiting whatever it takes. So, dont worry! I wont marry Barry. I love your dad no less than you.
 Is that true?
- Absolutely!
- Pals?
For the first time her daughter was smiling as earlier.
 Itll be O.K., dear! Itll be O.K. I promise! But I want to ask you about a mere trifle. Do me a favor!
 What kind of?
	We both desparately need mans help. And the real help we can get from is Barry, our best friend. Just a friend! I swear!
 Cross your heart?
 Cross my heart!
That night Roxana went to bed immediately and for the first time she really had a good sleep. Joanna was sitting at her husband` s desk for some time. Then she started looking through his notes, files and records. Later on she opened the drawer. She was looking for something, but didnt know what exactly. Perhaps something that will help her to answer the question. Why? What for her husband was seized?
She opened the drawers one by one. Nothing interesting! One of the boxes was locked. She looked for the key, but she didnt find it. The woman dashed to the kitchen, took the biggest knife and broke the lock. It was full of top secret files.
 There it is!
She started reading them one after another and kept doing it up to the early morning. When she ultimately finished she went to bed immediately.
Next day Joanna got up very late, at midday. She woke up of the smell floating out from the kitchen. The woman energetically jumped out of bed and fasting her nightgown on the way and ran to the kitchen.
She was first stunned at the sight of her daughter wearing her bright apron and skillfully operating on the kitchen table. The girl was cutting something, cooking, baking at the same time. Joanna couldnt believe her eyes! How? When? She couldnt even imagine that her daughter grew up so fast. Actually, she was already 13.
 Morning, darling! How are you? Sorry for getting up so late!
 Morning, mum! Im O.K. Dont worry! Ive prepared the lunch. Its practically ready! Have a seat and help yourself!
 Wow! Thats great! I think Ill take a shower later on. Im so hungry!
Theyve already started the meal when Roxana said:
 Oh! By the way, Ive invited Barry for an evening party today.
 Party? What kind of party?
 Never mind! Just a party: you, me and a family friend. Do you like it?
 Thats a great idea! But first and foremost Im glad for you, baby. Im glad that you are in.
 In the family, I mean.
 Sure I am. Time to wash up the dishes!
 And Ill take the shower then. Ill be right over!
 Take your time, mum!
Soon after when she came into their living-room Barry was there. He was brightly smiling again and it was pretty obvious how happy he was to be warmly welcomed in their house again. The man was stylishly dressed, clean shaven with a pleasant aroma of some new French perfumes.
 Hello, Jo! How youve been?
 You may kiss her on the cheek!
 Thank you, your Magesty!
 The man kissed Joanna, as it was earlier.
 Im fine, Barry, especially when Roxi is again my kind, sweet, obedient daughter. Besides Im glad that theres no more misunderstanding between you and my daughter.
 Im really glad that we are together again! Arent we Roxi?
 We are, Barry! You bet!
 And now lets get down to our meals!
 By the way, Barry, try to guess who prepared these delicious meals?
 Well! Let me think! I guess, Joanna!
 No, not at all. Try again.
 Roxi? Is that you? Unbelievable!
 Mum, tell him that it was really me who did it.
 Barry, mum got up today half an hour ago. So she couldnt possibly do it so quickly!
 O.K, princess! I trust you! I also hope the meals are eatable. Sorry, I shut up! After the dinner the girl went washing the dishes and the young people headed to Roberts study for a chat.
 Look what Ive found, Barry!  I want you to look through all these files very thoroughly and then tell me what you think about it.
 Joanna, dear, itll take me a month to do it.
 Shut up, Barry! Do you want to help me?
 I really do!
 So do it without complaints.
 O.K. Im ready to start, but Ill stay here for the whole night. Dont you mind?
 Whatever! I just want you to do it! Deal?
 Next morning the man was ready to tell them both what were those secret records about. They gathered a small family meeting to discuss the burning issue.
 Well! As to me, its quite clear now why dont they call, dont demand money or whatever. People who captured Robert arent ordinary kidnappers or brutal terrorists. It looks like this is a top secret military structure dealing with advanced scientific research and technologies. To my vision theyve got what they were looking forRoberts experience and advanced knowledge of computers, computer programs,etc.
They needed his brain. Thats why the police failed to track them down. Theres one more important thing. We dont actually know who these people are. And we have to get this information! But the question is how? The worst thing about it all is that they are not going to call. But theres a good news.  They wont kill him. So, Im sure hes alive. The question is what do we have to do now. Call the police, or, maybe start the investigation alone.
 Thank you, Barry. I appreciate your conclusion. Now let me tell you a couple of words on this point. The situation is relly tough, but youre a journalist, Barry, a good journalist. O.K! A very good journalist!
 Thank you, Jo! Youre very kind!
 So, I would ask you to do whatever you can, possible and even impossible to get the information about these people. That will help us to start the investigation.
 Yes. I dont have any doubts about it. Were going to do it alone, without the police. Unfortunately I dont trust them any more. The best thing about it is that Bob, our dad, is alive and maybe he desperately needs our help.
 Thank you, Jo, for your appreciation, but you must believe me! What can I possibly do more? Im not a God!
 Shut up, Barry! I know that you can. So, just use your brains! Talk to your friends, associates and find the necessary information.
 Thats the only thing I want you to do for us. And now lets go outdoors for a walk.
 What about a drive?
 No, not this time! I just want to hang around, sit on a bench, chat about some unimportant things, lough a lot, or, feed the pegions, for instance.
 O.K. If that will make you and Roxi happy Im at your disposal.
 Roxana, baby. Lets go along with us!
 No, thanks! Ill better stay at home and do some classes for tomorrow. You know Ive missed a lot. Time to catch up with the class-mates.
 Are you sure Roxi?
 Absolutely! You just go! Go! Im busy!
 O.K. Fine! Its up to you!
 Come on, Barry! Lets have some fun!
They wandered along the streets of New York until late at night. Fot the first time since tragedy had happened the young woman felt relaxed, hoping again that her beloved husband is alive and may be very soon theyll meet again. Besides her daughter changed for the better, their friend Barry is again as always beside them. So, everything would be O.K. She was now sure of it. Joanna was especially happy that owing to Roxi she started thinking again about her husband and working out the plan how to help him.
 Shes a sweet kid, isnt she? I love her so much!
 Roxana is really a great kid! I wish I would have sometime a daughter like she is!
 Im sure you will, sooner than later!
Roxana wasnt waisting her time as well. Next day at school she got acquainted with the most known hijacker in the neighborhood. It was a tall thin boy of 17 with long fair hair and big eyeglasses.
 Hi, Phil! How you doing?
 Hey, kid! Who told you my name?
 Doesnt matter. Ive got a job for you!
 Leave me alone, kid! I dont think Ill have to do something for you! OK?
 What about the newest laptop, if youll do something for me?
 O.K. Maybe Ill think about it! So, whats your problem?
 You know that my dad was kidnapped?
 Oh, yeah! Thats a pity! Im sorry about your dad!
 You can really help me to find him.
The girl told him everything related to the escape of her father including the secret files in the fathers desk drawer.
 Do you really think, Roxi, high rank military officials maybe involved?
 Trust me! Ive got no doubts about it!
 OK, kid. But keep your mouth shut! Ive got enough problems without you!
 You bet!
 Keep in touch!
 All right! Ill call you later! Bye, Roxi!
Joanna also arranged some meetings with the best friends of hers: some celebrities, influential officials, very delicately talked to them about new advanced technologies and the issues attached to them. She hoped to get some desperately needed information which they could use in their rescue operation.
Now she was busy from early morning till late at night. Her daughter Roxana changed completely.
She became again that good girl that she had always been earlier, did well her schooling, helped oftentimes at home in the kitchen and absolutely forgot her jealousy attacks against Barry.
The young man was also the most successful what concerns the progress in finding out the necessary information. It was still not enough to start, but...
Suddenly Barry received the message from Roxana. She invited him for an appointed meeting with a friend of hers. He did not think it was serious, but the man decided to go.
In an hour theyve met at the boys place. Barry understood who the boy, actually, was when he looked at the equipment in the grotty one bedroom flat. At first sight it really scared him, but he had no choice. He really wanted to help Joy.
 Hi, Phil! How are things?
 Hello, Mr. Lingston! Im fine! Thanks!
 So, what have you got, young man?
 You wouldnt believe it, but surprisingly Ive managed to break the bad guys computer system.
 How do you know that they are really the guys were looking for?
 You just come here and have a look.
 Wait a minute! General McGrizal? Thats the one Ive heard about so much.
 Let me have a seat, Phil?
 Sure! Here you are, Mr....!
 Boy! You may call me just Barry. OK?
 Yeah, Mr. Sorry, Barry.
 So, what do we have here? Another famous general! OK, Phil. Thats good! What about the headquarters of these bandits?
 You just push the button.
 Wow! You are really as good as Roxy told me! How did you manage to track them down?
 OK. Forget it! Just let me have a look once more. Now I see what to do next.
 I guess thats all what you got for us.
 Not exactly.
 Go on! Tell me, is Robert alive?
 More than that.
 What do you mean?
 Well, he works for them.
 How do you know?
He tried several times to send you the information about his whereabouts, but theyve blocked any of his attempts.
 So what?
 Except one! This is the message that Ive managed to catch.
Here you are!  

                                           H E L P!
     Please send this message to my family  my wife Joanna Moor and our daughter Roxana. Im alive and try to get out of here. This is my Email address : www.dron@readfox. com

ID:  778870
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: 24.02.2018 23:10:00
© i: 24.02.2018 23:10:00
Woody Paul Grey

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