My love is deeper than the ocean
And higher than your plane could fly.
Im willing to express emotions
I want to live without lies.
I want to tell you that I miss you
Not just a little but a lot.
I want to kiss you and to please you
But you are far from me, I know.
You are so far but still so close
My darling, you are in my heart.
Ive never had such feelings towards
Nobody. But its time to start
Candy Lane $previous_title_comm, 01.01.1970 - 03:00
, . , , , .
31.05.2004 - 19:33 Can you compare this "love song" style to your " "? You are so diverse.
Candy Lane $previous_title_comm, 01.01.1970 - 03:00
I guess ya partually right - I can be different in all the meanings of this word. Change is the best thing that can happen in our lives: it makes us to create something new