Сайт поезії, вірші, поздоровлення у віршах :: Вікторія Т.: He was the coldest S-O-B (Eng. ) - ВІРШ |
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КОМЕНТАРІ Максим Тарасівський, 27.10.2015 - 05:52
I got it. I am just sharing what I find funny about the word, that's it
Максим Тарасівський, 27.10.2015 - 05:05
I thought that there is a similarity regarding SoB that makes words look funny and mean something new: to sob, sober, sobriety
Вікторія Т. відповів на коментар $previous_title_comm, 01.01.1970 - 03:00
No, I wanted it to mean exactly what it means. That's why I wrote it clearer--to avoid confusion.
Максим Тарасівський, 26.10.2015 - 07:00
Light and plyful style makes a good contracts to that SoB Typical, typical purchase! - to take desideratum for a something solid and real. Вікторія Т. відповів на коментар $previous_title_comm, 01.01.1970 - 03:00
Thanks. There are some people who have this quality to attract without feeling anything. Interesting breed (and dangerous). It's like a nature's trap.