Built in a glorious castle,
Built by Prince Yaroslav in Novgorod,
Sophia - the wisdom of God - lives here,
What is the connection with God?
Stands for centuries,
In the fortress that protects it,
All of Russia remembers everything,
Standing for centuries,
Standing towering Novgorod Sophia,
Rising for centuries,
I look and admire its beauty,
Blurred eyes,
Silence and nothing,
Peace there when you sit by his walls,
Just hear the whisper of the wind,
As the rain drips on the domes,
Hear the rustling of trees,
When you look at its beauty,
Then you see his story,
Stood for centuries,
Suffered from the blows of the Golden Horde,
The domes rise in the sky,
Crosses stand on domes,
The walls are white as clouds,
Snow on the curves of his dome,
The golden domes were covered with a snow-white blanket,
Silence stands by him for centuries,
Peace there,
Silence for the poet,
Peace for the poet,
When you sit by its walls,
Stands and will stand,
There is the Novgorod Christian Shield.
адреса: https://www.poetryclub.com.ua/getpoem.php?id=939478
Рубрика: Лірика кохання
дата надходження 07.02.2022
автор: Богдан Хмельницький