
         BY  WOODY  PAUL  GREY

                               CHAPTER  FIVE  .  RESCUE  OPERATION
–  Great!  Can  we  now  send  him  a  message?
–  I  don’t  think  so,  but  I’m  working  on  it.
Next  day  Barry  invited  Joanna  for  a  walk  to  the  park.
–  Come  on,  Barry!  What  did  you  find  out?
–  Not  much!
–  I  don’t  believe  you!  You’ve  got  something.  I  know  it!
–  How  do  you  know?
–  Your  face.One  can  read  it  on  your  face.
–  Meaning?
–  I  mean  that  your  face  is  just  shining  of  delight  and  satisfaction  that  you  know  something  urgently  important  and  you  are  ready  to  tell  it  to  me  right  now.  Am  I  right?
–  OK.  I  really  have  to  tell  you  one  hing.  But  I’m  not  sure.  He’s  just  a  kid!
–  Who  is  a  kid,  Barry?  Tell  me!  Don’t  waste  our  time!
–  I’m  afraid  it’s  not  wise  to  trust  him,  but  we  don’t  have  another  way  out.  And  the  young  man  told  Joanna  about  his  meeting  with  Phil.
–  Let’s  go!
–  Where  to?  Wait  a  minute!
–  I  don’t  have  a  minute,  even  a  second.  My  husband  is  starving  our  help!  Let’s  go!  OK?
–  Where  to?
–  I’ve  got  to  call  him.  All  right!  He’s  waiting  for  us  with  Raxi.
–  What?  Is  she  also  involved?
–  Who  do  you  think  got  me  acqainted  with  the  boy?
–  Shall  we  walk  there?
–  Impossible!  That’s  too  far.  Let’s  take  a  taxi!
–  OK.
They’ve  met  in  half  an  hour.  Roxy  was  already  there.  Joanna  decided  not  to  tell  her  daughter  what  she  would  do  under  the  other  sircumstances.
–  Hi,  Phil!  I’m  Joanna.  Roxana`s  mother.
–  Hello,  Mrs.Moor!  Roxi  told  me  about  your  husband  and  I  just  couldn’t  refuse  her.
–  So,  what  do  you  have,  young  man?
–  Well,  what  I  have  got  by  this  time  is  quite  enough  to  start  the  mission.
–  Can  you  tell  us,  Phil,  first  what  do  you  know?
–  First  and  foremost  I’ve  got  the  list  of  the  retired  generals  and  high  rank  officers  involved  in  the  mission.Secondly,  I  know  the  whereabouts  of  the  military  base  where  the  kidnappers  keep  your  husband.  Thirdly,  here’s  the  telephone  number  to  call  your  husband  in  order  to  tell  him  that  we’re  coming.
–  Is  there  any  risk  that  they  would  trace  us,  I  mean,  our  calls.
–  There’s  always  a  risk.  Still  I  was  cautious  enough.  Actually,  I’m  always  on  the  alert.
–  Barry!  What  do  you  think?  Are  we  ready  to  start?
–  Now  it  all  depends  on  you,  Jo.Your  husband’s  life  is  at  stake!
–  I  say,”Yes”!
–  Me  too!  –  said  Roxana.
–  OK.  Then  let’s  get  started!
They  decided  to  take  four  cars,  laptops  and,  of  course,  arm  themselves  heavily.  Before  the  start  Barry  asked.
–  Are  you  sure,  Jo,  it’s  wise  to  take  the  kids?
–  It’s  not,  of  course,  but  she  won’t  stay!  I  know  her  pretty  well  and  especially  now  when  it  goes  about  her  beloved  daddy.  Besides  they  still  did  a  lot,  these  kids.  Maybe  they’ll  help  us  on  our  way  to  Bob.
–  Then  let’s  do  it!
Actually,  it  wasn’t  as  easy  as  it  looked  while  they  scheduled  the  operation  in  New  York.  They  had  oftentimes  to  change  their  rout.  Then  the  headquartes  of  the  base  were  perfectly  hidden.So,  Phil  was  pretty  busy  all  the  time  trying  to  break  this  or  that  computer  program  or  system.  And  there  were  a  lot  of  them.  Besides  he  had  to  do  it  very  cautiously  not  to  give  the  bandits  the  chance  to  track  them  down.
They  had  to  drive  their  cars  mainly  at  nights  and  sometimes  even  with  the  lights  switched  off.  There  wasn’t  the  other  way  out.  They  had  to  be  exremely  patient  and  attentive.
Before  their  leave  Barry  had  a  series  of  privite  meetings  with  the  editors  of  the  major  papers,  magazines  and  TV  channels  of  the  country.  Barry  and  Joanna  needed  desperately  their  back  up,  even  and  especially  when  they’ll  be  defeated.
They’ll  need  their  help  if  something  will  go  wrong.  In  that  case  the  mass-media  will  start  their  public  mission.  They’ll  put  an  end  to  the  bad  guys.
Next  morning  Phil  told  them  the  best  news.
–  I’ve  got  him!  You  can  even  talk  now,  but  not  for  long.
–  Phil,  tell  him  that  we‘re  coming  and  everything  will  be  OK.  He  shouldn’t  show  that  we’ve  been  in  contact  with  him.  Let  he  behave  as  usual.
–  OK.  I’ll  try.
–  How  close  we  are  from  their  base.
–  Very  close,  but  I  still  need  some  time  to  finish  my  technical  endeavour.
–  OK.  Go  ahead!  Do  what  you  have  to!    
Next  morning  Phil  looked  tired,  but  satisfied.
–  So  what?  What  did  you  find  out?
–  Well,  now  I  got  to  know  that  they’ve  got  five  security  protection  zones.  Besides  I’m  ready  to  break  them  down  one  after  another  without  trace.
–  How  much  time  will  it  take?
–  Not  much.  I  think  a  couple  of  days  or  so.
–  All  right.  Let’s  use  this  time  for  good  rest  and  have  our  substantial  meal.  Later  on  we  won’t  have  time  even  to  think  sabout  the  meals.
The  group  stopped  at  the  roadside  inn  and  ordered  a  dinner.  Afterwards  they  got  into  the  cars  and  proceeded  with  their  operation,  exceptfor  the  the  kids.
–  Roxi  and  Phil!  Your  mission  will  change  now.  You  stay  here  and  keep  in  touch  with  us.  If  suddenly  you’ll  lose  the  contact  with  us  dial  this  number  and  inform  the  police  about  the  details  of  our  operation.
–  This  time  the  children  had  to  obey.  It  was  a  wise  decision.
The  most  responsible  moment  of  the  operation  began.  Now  Barry  and  Joanna  didn’t  have  the  right  for  a  single  mistake.  Robert’s  life  was  at  stake.
They  were  coming  up  and  Jo  for  the  first  time  had  the  possibility  to  hear  her  husband’s  voice.
–  Hi,  honey!  We’re  on  the  way!  Be  cautious!
–  Bye,  Joe!
In  a  few  minutes  they  drew  up  to  the  first  gate.  No  people  wharsoever.Just  the  locked  gate.  Barry  pushed  the  button  as  Phil  told  him.A  click  and  the  gate  slowly  moved  away  and  opened.
–  Let’s  go!  Hurry  up!
The  same  happened  with  the  rest  of  the  gates  except  the  last  one.
Barry  called  his  friend  to  give  the  start  for  the  media  operation.  The  both  were  not  so  sure  that  their  mission  against  the  experienced  military  base  will  finish  succesfully.
There  was  one  gate  left.  It  took  them  half  a  day  to  get  to  the  last  security  level.  This  time  they  saw  two  man  heavily  armed  who  were  talking  on  the  cell  phones,  most  likely  informing  about  the  intruders.
Still  Barry  pushed  the  button  and  pressed  the  accelerator.  The  men  stretched  their  weapons,  but  Barry  turned  to  be  luckier.  They  entered  the  building  from  the  back  door  as  Bob  told  them.  Barry  prepared  the  explosives  and  together  with  Bob  they  installed  them  around  the  house.  They  ran  together  to  their  cars.  Behind  the  people  started  shooting  at  them  Barry  pushed  the  button  again  and  several  huge  explosions  struck  the  neighbourhood.  They  kept  running  No  more  shooting.  They  started  the  car  and  left  the  terrible  place.
Only  now  Joanna  looked  at  Robert.  She  hardly  recognized  him:  long,  half  grey  hair,  long  beard,  very  thin,  but  alive.  They  hugged  and  kissed.
–  Now  you’re  free,  darling.  Absolutely  free!  I  always  thought  that  you  couldn’t  die!
– And  I  also  hoped  to  see  you  again!
After  all  the  rescue  team  retured  back  to  the  inn,  where  the  kids  had  been  waiting  for  them.  Roxana  got  out  of  the  car  and  rushed  to  her  father.  She  couldn’t  stop  kissing  and  hugging  him.
–  Hi,  dad!  I’m  so  glad  you‘re  back!
–  What  took  you  so  long?
–  Bad  guys,  honey!  But  now  everything  is  over.  I’ve  missed  you  so  much,  my  princess!
But  the  bad  guys  didn’t  think  that  their  mission  was  over.

                                   THE  MISSION  ISN’T  COMPLETED

The  four  of  them  didn’t  have  much  time  to  celebrate  their  victory  as  in  a  couple  of  minutes  were  abruptly  surrounded  by  the  military  troops  that  appeared  out  of  nowhere  captured  and  pushed  them  into  the  heavy  vehicle  and  hurriedly  took  away.  The  operation  had  been  carried  out  so  quickly  that  the  eyewitnesses  couldn’t  believe  their  eyes.  It  looked  very  much  as  a  terryfying  action  film  with  the  only  significant  exception:  there  were  no  cameras  beside.  No  helicopters,  no  heavy  machinary  -  just  a  few  soldiers  and  a  truck.
When  the  police  came  everything  was  over  and  no  trace  of  the  attackers  left.  Nevertherless  the  investigation  started  immediately.  By  that  time  the  hostages  had  been  taken  to  another  destination  located  in  the  most  difficult  to  approach  mountaineous  area.
–  Hello,  Robert!  I’ve  told  you  already  that  our  intentions  are  too  serious  to  let  the  small  group  of  diletants  easily  escape.  You  are  dealing  with  the  military.Don’t  you  forget  about  it!  This  time  you’ll  do  what  we  say  and  without  any  delay.  Besides  here  are  your  loved  ones  and  if  only  you  try  to  cheat  us  again  you’ll  pay  a  high  price.  First  and  foremost  you’ll  be  separated  from  your  family  without  the  right  to  meet  until  the  mission  will  be  completed.  Secondly,  you’ll  have  to  work  much  harder  to  catch  up  with  the  time  lost.  Thirdly  -  no  privileges  and  no  money.  Your  award  would  be  your  wife  and  the  kid  alive.  Is  that  clear,  Mr.Moor?
–  Absolutely!  I’ll  do  what  you’ll  say!  Please  don’t  do  any  harm  to  my  daughter  and  wife.
–  Don’t  worry!  And  now  take  him  to  the  laboratory!
Joanna,  Roxi  and  Barry  were  taken  to  the  opposite  side  of  the  base.  It  should  be  mentioned  that  they  were  treated  much  better  than  they  would  expect  it.  There  was  one  very  strange  thing  about  this  endeavour.  Near  the  inn  they  acted  like  terrorists  as  though  they  were  very  keen  to  be  remembered  as  brutal  bandits  and  here  they  behaved  like  ordinary  military.
–  Mrs.Moor,  this  will  be  your  appartment  for  the  forthcoming  months.  Unfortunately  it  isn’t  as  comfortable  as  in  your  house  in  downtown  New  York.  Nevertheless  we  tried  to  arrange  it  the  best  possible  way.  In  the  fridge  you’ll  find  enough  food  and  in  your  bedroom  there  are  mere  trifles  you  may  use  and  feel  yourself  a  woman.Roxana’s  bedroom  is  next  to  your’s  and  it’s  also  not  badly  installed.There’s  only  one,  but  very  disappointing  thing.  You  won’t  be  able  to  contact  with  your  husband  until  he  finishes  his  job.
–  And  what  about  telephone  calls  or  messages?
–  Not  this  time!  We  aren’t  going  to  take  a  risk  once  more.  I  can  promiss  you  one  thing.  At  the  end  of  the  day  you  and  he  will  be  able  to  see  each  other  on  the  screen  with  the  data  options  on  the  top  so  that  you  could  be  sure  that  he  is  OK.
–  But  why?  Why  Robert?
–  He’s  the  best.  Only  he  can  fulfill  the  task.  Don’t  worry.  He’ll  be  OK!  Just  follow  our  instructions  and  no  one  will  be  hurt!  There`s  one  more  important  thing.  There  are  cameras  everywhere  except  the  WC  and  the  bathroom.  Moreover,  all  your  conversations  will  be  recordered.  You  should  know  about  it!  By  the  way,  my  name  is  Catherine  Wellington,  or  simply  Kathy.  Bye  for  now!  Need  to  go!  Here’s  the  telephone.  Just  take  up  the  receiver  and  I’ll  be  at  your  disposal.
–  Have  a  nice  day  girls  and  boys!
As  soon  as  she  left  Barry  came  in.
–  I’m  sorry  Jo,  Roxi!  How  did  it  happen?  It  looks  like  it  was  a  trap  from  the  very  beginning.  They  knew  exactly  what  we  were  planning.
–  Don’t  talk!  They  record  everything  we  are  telling  each  other.
–  Never  mind!  What  could  be  worser?  There’s  only  one  point.
–  Barry  don’t  say  a  word!.
–  O  .K.  I  see  what  you  mean.  How’s  Roxi?
–  Strange  as  it  may  seem,  but  she’s  much  better  than  the  first  time.  She  even  enjoys  it.  For  her  it’s  only  an  adventure.
–  Oh,  by  the  way,  did  that  witch  say  anything  about  the  computer?
–  Barry!  How  did  you  call  her?    Shame  on  you!  Look,  she’s  pretty!.  Don’t  you  think  so?
–  Go  to  hell,  Jo!
–  No,  no  computers  whatsoever.  Not  this  time.  No  cell  phones,  no  electronics.  Nothing!  Simply  -  a  dated  telephone.  We  just  have  to  wait  and  see!  OK?
–  Have  to  go  to  bed!  I’m  tired  and  hungry.  What  about  you?
–  Not  now.  See  you  in  the  morning!
–  Mum!  I  like  it!  Now  we  are  hostages  as  well!  Cool!  We’ll  be  on  all  the  TV  channels!
–  Stop,  please!  That’s  not  funny!
–  They  aren’t  dangerous,  believe  me!  They  just  want  our  dad  do  something  for  them.  And  that’s  all.  After  we’ll  be  free!
–  It’s  not  as  simple  as  you  think,  honey.  These  people  are  dangerous.  They  want  to  take  power  in  the  country  using  force.  Thousands  of  people  may  be  hurt.  And  they  want  our  dad  to  help  do  it.
–  That’s  a  crime  and  I  know  that  whatever  happens  -  our  dad  will  never  do  it.  So,  please,  be  more  serious.
–  Then  what  shall  we  do  now?
–  I  don’t  know  yet,  but  I  promiss  I’ll  be  thinking  about  it.  Now  let’s  have  some  sleep,  sweetie,  O.K.?
–  All  right,  mum!
By  the  time  the  operation  was  under  way  Phil  was  in  the  inn  as  Barry  told  him.  He  didn’t  believe  that  the  military  would  let  them  so  easily  go.  And  he  was  right.  Moreover  most  likely  they’ve  got  all  the  necessary  information  about  him  as  well  and  so  very  soon  they’ll  find  him  as  well.  They  haven’t  done  it  ‘cause  there  are  so  many  policemen  here.  The  young  man  was  hurriedly  thinking  what  to  do.There’s  one  significant  point.  The  notebook!  That’s  the  way  they  tracked  them  down.So,  he  has  first  of  all  to  get  rid  of  the  laptop.  Easy  said  than  done!  To  leave  such  a  device!  But  nothing  doing.He  has  to,  if  he  wants  to  survive  and  maybe  to  help  the  others.
On  the  street  among  the  crowd  of  people  he  saw  a  kid  and  a  crazy  idea  came  into  his  mind.Luckily  the  boy  came  into  the  inn.  Phil  came  up  to  him.
–  Hi,  kid!  How  is  it  going?
–  Great!  Did  you  see  what  happened  some  time  ago?  It  was  cool!
–  Look  here!  Do  you  like  the  lap?
–  Sure!  It’s  the  coolest  one  I’ve  ever  seen!
–  It  could  be  your’s!
–You’re  kidding!
–  I  mean  it!
–  What  do  I  have  to  do?
–  You’re  smart,  kid!    OK.  I  need  your  clothes.
–  Is  that  all  what  you  want?
–  Exactly!
–  Deal!
In  a  minute  Phil  left  the  place  and  rushed  away.  His  new  friend  Tom  left  behind  still  couldn’t  believe  his  eyes.To  be  the  owner  of  such  a  cool  thing!  Phil  got  into  the  departing  bus  together  with  other  people  and  several  hours  later  got  to  the  nearest  airport.  Next  day  he  returned  back  to  New  York.  As  Barry  told  him  he  decided  not  to  involve  police,  but  to  find  Joanna’s  relatives.  He  had  got  their  adresses  and  telephone  numbers.  Use  the  telephone  or  the  PC?  No!  Go  by  plane?  No!  After  all  he  decided  to  go  by  train.  It  took  him  several  days  to  get  to  Chicago.  It  was  his  first  visit  to  the  town  so  several  hours  passed  before  he  came  across  Joanna’s  junior  sister  Shirley  Dobson  at  the  local  theatre,  she  was  an  actress.As  tall  and  beautiful  as  Joanna,  but  much  younger.
–  So  what  can  I  do  for  you,  young  man?
–  I’m  Phil!  I  know  your  sister,  her  husband  Robert,  their  daughter  Roxi  and  their  friend  Barry.To  a  certain  extent  I  was  engaged  into  the  rescue  operation...
–  That  failed.
–Yes,  exactly.  The  bad  guys  tracked  us  from  the  very  beginning.  Barry  told  me  to  adress  only  you.
–  And  what  about  the  police?
–  Actually,  they  don’t  trust  them.  So,  Barry  prepared  the  plan.
–  OK,  Phil.  Let’s  get  inside.
–  No,  I  can’t.  This  time  we  have  to  be  very  cautious.  Can  we  have  a  talk  at  the  restaurant?
–  OK.  I  guess  you  aren’t  kidding,  Phil?
–  You  have  just  to  trust  me.  By  the  way,  you  may  come  with  your  husband  or  your  dad.
–  OK.  I’ll  think  about  it.See  you  tonight!
–  See  you!
–  At  the  appointed  time  Phil  was  very  surprised  when  instead  of  the  young  woman  was  met  by  all  her  relatives  and  friends  .They  pretended  to  celebrate  the  birthday  party.  Shirley  planned  to  do  it  a  month  later,  but  it  looked  like  the  family  enjoyed  parties  very  much.
On  the  other  hand  in  such  a  crowd  it  was  much  easier  to  meet  all  the  family  members  and      prepare  another  plan  how  to  tackle  the  problem.
First  Phil  was  acquainted  with  Joanna’s  senior  brother  CristopherChris  McGruber  a  42  year  old  strongman,  a  military  officer,  helicopter  pilot,  to  be  exact,    his  pretty  wife  JessicaJess  and  their  great  family:
Andrew  Andy      24,  military  officer,  pilot  of  a  military  jet,  married
Allan,  aged  21,  computer  geniushijacker
Jim  Jimmy  18,  car  racer
John  Johny    8,  car  racer
Kevin,  15,  disabled,  computer  prodigy
Rachel  12,  an  incredible  romanticfuture  writer
Zoe,  aged  9,  a  child  prodigy.
Surprisingly,  but  all  of  them  if  not  even  considered  though  treated  him  like  “a  war  hero”.  Then  came  the  turn  to  meet  the  elder  generation:
Robert    Rob,  Robbie  Moor,  the  senior,  64,  former  military  general,  quite  a  strong  tall  man  and  his  wife  Rosemary    Rosie,  57,  doctor.
And  on  Joanna’s  part:
Charles    Charlie  McGruber,  62,  former  police  general
Theresa  Tessa,  Tess  McGruber,  his  wife,  55,  nurse.
Stephanie  Peterson,  29,  body  guard,  Barry’s  fiancee.
Instead  of  drinking,  dancing  and  eating  the  huge  company  started  the  meeting  devoted  to  the  rescue  operation.
Robert  Moor,  the  senior,  even  delivered  a  small  speech
–  Hello,  everyone  once  again  and  thanks  for  joining  “the  party”!  First  and  foremost  let  me  express  our  sincere  gratitude  and  deep  respect  to  the  kid,  sorry,  to  Phil  who  demonstrated  outstanding  male  features  keen  to  rescue  our  loved  ones.
Now  what  shall  we  do  first.  No  telephone  calls  or  PC.  We  don’t  want  to  be  tracked  down  this  time.  Not  a  single  word  to  the  police  or  the  press  and  he  looked  at  Stephanie.
–  Don’t  worry  Mr.Moor.  I’m  quite  aware  how  serious  it  is.
–  Thank  you,  Stephanie!
–  Now  we  have  to  understand  it  quite  clear  that  it’s  not  only  the  question  of  our  children,  granddaughter  and  Barry.  It’s  the  question  of  the  entire  country.
–  Then  why  don’t  we  inform  the  police  FBR,  or,  CIA?  –  asked  Charles  Gruber.
–  The  fact  is,  Charlie,  that  we  unfortunately  don’t  know  exactly  who  else  is  involved  and  no  one  of  us  wants  our  children  to  be  hurt.  Maybe  later,  when  something  will  change  and  there  would  be  a  safe  situation  we’ll  call  all  the  necessary  institutions,  but  not  now.  So,  where  shall  we  start?
–  There’s  one  more  important  thing.I  know  my  son.  He  would  never  work  for  the  bandits.  By  this  time  he  managed  to  delay  the  process,  but  now.  Of  course,  he  won’t  do  it,  but  someone  may  be  hurt.
So  we  don’t,  actually,  have  time.

àäðåñà: https://www.poetryclub.com.ua/getpoem.php?id=779037
Ðóáðèêà: ˳ðèêà êîõàííÿ
äàòà íàäõîäæåííÿ 25.02.2018
àâòîð: Woody Paul Grey