I` wondering really,
If there`s a true, wholehearted love
If there`s a sincere, considerable passion
If there`s the true, Jesus Christ Passion
`cause if there`s really one, then why
So many people are desperately unhappy
So many of them, now and then, are sick
So many of them are killed, raped and die daily
If there`s a Mighty Lord, in whom we trust, then
why does he let it all happen, again and again?
I just don`t understand, can`t it comprehend, why
Do all these innocent people have to pass away
What`s the use of faith, if there`s no Passion
What`s the use of trust, if there`s no resurrection
What`s the use of love, if there`s no passion
What`s the use of trust, if there`s no devotion
So, I`m just wondering, if there`s Love?
04:15 – 05:35 09/01/2018 Ivano - Frankivsk
àäðåñà: https://www.poetryclub.com.ua/getpoem.php?id=770374
Ðóáðèêà: Ëèðèêà ëþáâè
äàòà íàäõîäæåííÿ 09.01.2018
àâòîð: Woody Paul Grey