You met me when I was a kitten.
At times, it happened, watched me go
And witnessed how the real-life battle
Was testing to the limits. The dreadful fancy-ball
Is waiting for me round each corner
Of lessons giving weird side-steps.
And everytime I feel myself as toddler
Beside your heart, with opening soul hands…
I always float in boat through storm of ire,
And ocean threatens to lay the hopes aside…
I’d like to sail to your distant caring harbor…
The shelter waits to hide from raging tide,
Where I may that disaster overcome, respire…
…pull off from shore and float in my direction…
The other boats will fleet for your protection…
P.S. Devoted to Nikolay Protcyuk
Ðóáðèêà: Ïîñâÿùåíèå
äàòà íàäõîäæåííÿ 18.10.2016
àâòîð: Aire Ni