Desires of the demons are hellbound
Clay and Temper...Temper and Clay...
I've given it but won't rebound...
How couldn't I?...They tear apart...
And smash away... I will reclaim
Clay and Temper...Temper and Clay...
They won't escape...unlock the chains...
Still, they want get off this grounded space
Without their wings...I'll bend for them the Heaven...
Temper and Clay... Clay and Temper...
Every desire of demons to flame
I will commit...and run to you...in tremble...
Temper and Clay... Clay and Temper...
Ссылка на произведение автора: http://www.poetryclub.com.ua/getpoem.php?id=542020
адреса: https://www.poetryclub.com.ua/getpoem.php?id=600188
Рубрика: Поэтические переводы
дата надходження 17.08.2015
автор: Aire Ni