With years it's harder to unleash your heart...
More often try to follow trodden path...
Through slitted eyes we scrutinize,
And ask again about, that was aurally ofttimes...
We watch the series increasingly
Though, none of them is interesting -
Discuss within the working intervals
The actors' play...and lyrics of the vocals
The gone forever names, of those who lived -
Of friends and relatives - forfeits, the unfullfilled,
With whom we sprang, palled and loved with abandon...
For, the Bluebird is when you have something to remember!
Ссылка на произведение автора AKM: http://www.poetryclub.com.ua/getpoem.php?id=596849
адреса: https://www.poetryclub.com.ua/getpoem.php?id=598903
Рубрика: Лирика
дата надходження 11.08.2015
автор: Aire Ni