* * *
яонйнимни мнвх!
мер! ме унпнь рнр вюя,
врн пюгзедхмъер мюя.
еякх асдел ямнбю блеяре,
асдер мнвэ дкъ мюя всдеямни.
йюй мюгбюрэ унпньеи мнвэ
еякх ндхмнй?
дюфе еякх лме мюдефдс
оняшкюер пнй...
мн яепджюл, врн пъднл аэчряъ
я бевепю х дн српю,
мнвэ йнмевмн фе днапю,
онрнлс врн мхйнцдю
ме фекючр "днапни мнвх"
ху сярю...
* * *
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Good-night? ah! no; the hour is ill
Which severs those it should unite;
Let us remain together still,
Then it will be good night.
How can I call the lone night good,
Though thy sweet wishes wing its flight?
Be it not said, thought, understood --
Then it will be -- good night.
To hearts which near each other move
From evening close to morning light,
The night is good; because, my love,
They never say good-night.
ЮДПЕЯЮ: https://www.poetryclub.com.ua/getpoem.php?id=292710
ЮБРНП: нкэцю ьмспемйн