[i]Каждый в своей постели,
он допоздна читает,
щёки её зардели—
в думах своих витает,[/i]
мысленно оба не тут:
будто чего-то ждут.
[i]Изгарь угасшей страсти
больше не согревает,—
бывшего целого части
порозну остывают,[/i]
где целомудрие —цель,
непосильна дуэль.
[i]Сколь далеки, столь близки,—
тихий ангел над ними,
пряные тамариски
сыплют пушистый иней
двум старикам на кровать.[/i]
[b]Мой отец, моя мать.[/b]
Lying apart now, each in a separate bed,
He with a book, keeping the light on late,
She like a girl dreaming of childhood,
All men elsewhere - it is as if they wait
Some new event: the book he holds unread,
Her eyes fixed on the shadows overhead.
Tossed up like flotsam from a former passion,
How cool they lie. They hardly ever touch,
Or if they do it is like a confession
Of having little feeling - or too much.
Chastity faces them, a destination
For which their whole lives were a preparation.
Strangely apart, yet strangely close together,
Silence between them like a thread to hold
And not wind in. And time itself's a feather
Touching them gently. Do they know they're old,
These two who are my father and my mother
Whose fire from which I came, has now grown cold?
Elizabeth Jennings
адреса: https://www.poetryclub.com.ua/getpoem.php?id=1030976
Рубрика: Лирика любви
дата надходження 18.01.2025
автор: Под Сукно